Brian Heater covers all the bases with a great writing style.
3D Systems Sense review: a 3D scanner for the masses (almost)
I really appreciate the thoroughness of the review. But, in reading through the replies to the review, it is obvious that many people don't know how to put price/performance into the proper perspective. This isn't isn't a +10K device! It's a low cost consumer device that works well for its intended applications.Many also have trouble realizing that one needs to learn their tools before making a definitive value judgement. Perhaps I had an easier time of it because of my experience with using 2D photo to 3D applications in which some of the same skills are required. But, even so, I can already sense... no pun intended... that like any new technology, there is more for me to learn if I am to get the most out of the Sense 3D scanner. And, I'm willing to put in the time and effort to learn it.
Perhaps if I intended to use the Sense scanner for creating highly textured objects for game play, I might not be as excited as I am about it. But, I'm not. I intend to create and print, on a Cube 3D printer, unique gifts of lasting value of people and for the people that care about them. And, that is priceless.
Just ask the cadets we've scanned so far. :)
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