Tuesday, September 30, 2014

CONFIRMED!!! Cube3 Started Shipping on September 29!

After my "May be Shipping" post I received this from a 3D Systems employee.
"I do follow you.

The unit began shipping yesterday. 

We are using a FIFO system.

Orders placed today will incur a 6 week back log."
That is great news for everyone that has been waiting for the wonderful Cube3 to land on their doorstep!

I'm all too familiar with the "Shipping is a feature" mentality plaguing Microsoft... and the fiasco that was the first introduction of Windows 8.  They are STILL suffering from that one!

For me, the "Right Time to Ship" is a much more important feature.  That is the day when all systems are "Go" with confidence.  I know the Cube engineers and the Cube builders.  To a person, they strive for perfection.  While perfection is difficult to achieve in 100% of the cases, just knowing that it is their goal gives me a great deal of confidence they made the right choice.

I knew that the RIGHT TIME TO SHIP would eventually be here.  I have absolutely NO idea why that day could not have been sooner. Nor, do I have any idea when I might have one here.   But, I do know that the Cube3 is an important milestone in consumer 3D printing and it deserved the best possible entry into our homes, offices and schools.  So, I am glad they waited until they were confident that we would not be disappointed when it did arrive.

I look forward to hearing from those of you that are among the first to see just how wonderful it is.  And, look forward to the the arrival of my own.

Thanks for the confirmation!  :)

It Appears that the Cube3 May be Shipping!!!

I have no confirmation as yet from the factory.   

But, I was notified by an early purchaser that they received notification that their Cube3 has shipped.

I will try to confirm this in the morning.  But, given the reliability of the person who notified me, I thought it was safe enough to report this evening.

I have no idea where I fit on the list; so, fill us in as yours arrives!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

"We must be Getting Close"

I am amazed by many of our Cube owners and among the most amazing is Eric Albert of Renaissance Engineer.  Eric has the the tenacity of a bloodhound and the eyes of an eagle when it comes to discovering new developments on the Cubify site.

As far as I know he is ALWAYS the first to discover new uploads and is marvelous at analyzing issues related to the many 3D printers that he uses in his university lab. 

Since both of us have or use multiple Cube 3D printers, and expect to be early Cube 3 owners, we've had a lot in common as we wait for the first shipments of the Cube 3 printers to leave the factory.  One of those things is looking for clues that might portend that shipping is getting closer.

Of course, he is ALWAYS the first on the scene when new developments unfold.  I NEVER get there first.  RATS!!!!

Putting that grudge aside...

On September 11, he alerted me to the fact that the Cube 3 Client software was on the "Activate" page for the Cube 3 printer on Cubify.com.  This morning he scooped me again by alerting me that the Cubify iPhone/iPad App was now available on the iTunes store.

Because both the Windows Cube client and the iPad/iPhone Cubify App require a Cube 3D Printer to fully do them justice, I'll refrain from actually reviewing them at this time.  But, I agree with Eric's assessment.  The fact that the software is now online, probably means that shipping is getting very close.

You'll hear more about Eric Albert and the work he does with teachers and young students in the near future.  In the meantime, thanks to him, I can report that the software is up and the Cube 3 printers are probably not too far behind.

Thanks Eric!

P.S.  While both Eric and I are longing to get our hands on the new Cube 3, we both agree that shipping before the machine is absolutely ready for prime time would be the worst scenario for Cube 3 owners.  We appreciate the patience and discipline that 3D Systems has shown in this regard.  Eric is especially familiar with the downside of premature shipping.  It would be well worth your time to visit Renaissance Engineer to check his experiences with the Cell-Robox and MakerBot Mini.
