As part of the email, they sent two images, which I have combined in a short video.
This is just a small sample of the major advancements in FDM 3D printing that are delivered in the M3D Pro. Here is an updated video demonstrating the new "auto-correction" capabilities.
There is so much more to say; but, I will simply send you over to the "Final Week Update" to see the rest of the story. :)
I can hardly wait to get my hands on one, And, you can bet I will be breaking out the microscopes to test, for myself, the ultimate print quality.
NOTE: there is one thing that I hope to be able to improve on and that is the nature of the first layer which uses rather wide lines for adhesion. (See the above link.) I am hoping to be able to achieve a super-smooth bottom layer and that might mean using a 3rd party slicing application. We'll see.I am hoping that many of my fellow Cube users will take a serious look at the M3D Pro as their next 3D printer so that we can grow together with that platform as we did on our Cube journey. And, speaking of that, I have created a Cube Software Dropbox folder that should contain all of the various version of firmware and client software just in case you might need it in the future.
What is most refrshing for me is the candor of the Michael Armani and the M3D team as they develop the product and part of that is allowing KickStarter contributers to make requests. Being able to define the first layer will be among my requests.