Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Invent Intro #05 - Circles (Revolve Boss & Cut)

Like the EXTRUDE commands, REVOLVE comes in two flavors, BOSS and CUT.


Basically, REVOLVE uses a 2D sketch that is evenly swung around an axis to perform its job.  As the sketch is swung around it either ADDS or REMOVES material in its own shape.  REVOLVE (Boss) adds material along the path and REVOLVE (Cut) removes material along the path, if any exists.

The REVOLVE commands are relatively easy to use and are often the first thing users try when learning a new 3D CAD program.


There are two elements that must be selected for REVOLVE (Boss) to work.  The first, of course, is a 2D sketch.  The second is an axis around which that sketch will revolve.  The 2D sketch may or may not touch the axis.  But, it can never cross over the axis in Cubify Invent.

In general, sketches to be REVOLVED are either objects floating in space to either side of the axis or they are outlines of one half of a cross-section of the intended result.  It is very useful to design things like cups, wine glasses, bells or anything having a cylindrical construction.  In our sample we form solid walls with circles floating in space.


REVOLVE (Cut) also requires the selection of two elements, the sketch to be revolved and the axis around which the sketch will revolve.  But, instead of adding material in its wake, the sketch removes material from anything it its path in the exact shape of the sketch.  It's like having a custom designed bit for a lathe.  Therefore, it's great to use for legs, ornate columns or contours around an object.

Here is a video showing some experimentation with Cubify Invent's REVOLVE using circle sketches.

I hope that the video tutorial has been very useful in showing just how powerful both flavors of REVOLVE can be.

Invent Intro #04 - Circles (Extrusion Boss & Cut)

Extrusion is one of the most used commands in any CAD program.  And, Cubify Invent is no exception.  It is THE primary way that we turn a 2D sketch into a 3D object. 

There are two types of EXTRUDE that can be used in Cubify Invent.  They are EXTRUDE (Boss) and EXTRUDE (Cut).


Essentially, EXTRUDE (Boss) ADDS layers of material in the shape of the 2D sketch to form a 3D object with features defined by the 2D sketch.  I don't think that it's a stretch to call EXTRUDE (Boss) the most used 2D to 3D option.

Using EXTRUDE (Boss), a 2D circle becomes a 3D Cylinder having height as well as a circumference.  A 2D square becomes a 3D box or cube when EXTRUDE (Boss) is applied.


EXTRUDE (Cut) doesn't ADD material.  It REMOVES material, if any exists.  This is most often used to create cut-outs and holes in already existing 3D objects.  While not used as often as its boss counterpart, it is still an often used option and may well be second of all the 3D options in frequency of use.

Using the selected 2D sketch, it acts as a cutting die, removing the exact shape of the original 2D sketch from whatever 3D object is crosses.  It can cut partially through an object or all the way through as the user determines.

Here is a video that demonstrates these powerful Cubify Invent commands at work creating a useful part that has bolt holes and a ledge that is counter-sunk into the part using EXTRUDE (Cut).

For those exploring Moment of Inspiration, here is how a similar part might be created using only EXTRUDE (boss) with MOI's Boolean Union and Difference Tools.  It's interesting how different applications accomplish the same task by going down two different paths. 

In a follow-up tutorial, we explore all the 2D and 3D BOOLEAN FUNCTIONS available in Moment of Inspiration.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Invent Intro #03 - Cookie Cutter from Circles

We continue the Cubify Invent Introductory Tutorials by exploring how a single 2D shape can be used to create a Cookie Cutter.

The power of Cubify Invent lies in its ability to modify and extend 2D shapes into 3D objects.  In keeping with our own strategy of learning a new product by focusing on a single shape in order to experience with new commands that modify that shape, we use simple circles to create a complex object.  In this case, that object is a cookie cutter in the shape of a cartoon animal head.

In parallel with our Cubify Invent tutorials we are also creating Moment of Inspiration introductory tutorials.  It's helpful to see how various applications accomplish the same job.  So, here is the above task as it might be accomplished in Moment of Inspiration. 

The differences in approach are nuanced.  Both do the task extremely well with little real effort or frustration.  That is good news to all of us as we look for tools to create the objects we print with our Cube 3D printers.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A Welcome Material Innovation


What I'm about to relate to you is NOT available for the Cube just yet.  Nor, do I know that it will EVER be available.  But, I suspect that it will be unless the fibers in the material I'm about to introduce pose some problems at the normal ABS plastic extrusion temperatures.

Someone has recently announced a new filament for 3D printers that prints wooden objects.  It's called Laywoo-D3 and for now it's only available in small 3mm trial amounts on the German eBay site.  But, the developers say that it will also be manufactured at 1.75mm filament width.

First, here is a short video...

The different colors come from manually adjusting the temperature as it prints.  The higher the temperature, the darker the color.  The above print was created on a 3D Systems Bits-from-Bytes Touch printer.  That may bode well for us, since 3D Systems is likely to be paying close attention to this new material.


I see all 3D printers as both short term and long term investments.  That definitely includes the Cube.  That is because improvements are being made each and every day in some area of 3D printing.  While our Cube currently prints only in ABS, that does not automatically mean that it will forever be locked into a single material.  As demand for 3D printing grows, there will be demands for completely new and different materials.  And, while I have no way of knowing one way or the other, it seems only logical that new materials will be available for the Cube.  Only time will tell if I am correct.  But, I certainly hope that my prediction is a good one.

Being able to print an item with the look and feel of wood would be W-A-A-A-A-Y Cool!

Supplies of the new material appear to be in short supply.  But, I hope to eventually try some in my RapMan 3.2, which takes 3mm filament.  So, I'll keep an eye on it for you!

Here is an excellent image of the reported output...