Basically, REVOLVE uses a 2D sketch that is evenly swung around an axis to perform its job. As the sketch is swung around it either ADDS or REMOVES material in its own shape. REVOLVE (Boss) adds material along the path and REVOLVE (Cut) removes material along the path, if any exists.
The REVOLVE commands are relatively easy to use and are often the first thing users try when learning a new 3D CAD program.
There are two elements that must be selected for REVOLVE (Boss) to work. The first, of course, is a 2D sketch. The second is an axis around which that sketch will revolve. The 2D sketch may or may not touch the axis. But, it can never cross over the axis in Cubify Invent.
In general, sketches to be REVOLVED are either objects floating in space to either side of the axis or they are outlines of one half of a cross-section of the intended result. It is very useful to design things like cups, wine glasses, bells or anything having a cylindrical construction. In our sample we form solid walls with circles floating in space.
REVOLVE (Cut) also requires the selection of two elements, the sketch to be revolved and the axis around which the sketch will revolve. But, instead of adding material in its wake, the sketch removes material from anything it its path in the exact shape of the sketch. It's like having a custom designed bit for a lathe. Therefore, it's great to use for legs, ornate columns or contours around an object.
Here is a video showing some experimentation with Cubify Invent's REVOLVE using circle sketches.
I hope that the video tutorial has been very useful in showing just how powerful both flavors of REVOLVE can be.