Tuesday, September 30, 2014

CONFIRMED!!! Cube3 Started Shipping on September 29!

After my "May be Shipping" post I received this from a 3D Systems employee.
"I do follow you.

The unit began shipping yesterday. 

We are using a FIFO system.

Orders placed today will incur a 6 week back log."
That is great news for everyone that has been waiting for the wonderful Cube3 to land on their doorstep!

I'm all too familiar with the "Shipping is a feature" mentality plaguing Microsoft... and the fiasco that was the first introduction of Windows 8.  They are STILL suffering from that one!

For me, the "Right Time to Ship" is a much more important feature.  That is the day when all systems are "Go" with confidence.  I know the Cube engineers and the Cube builders.  To a person, they strive for perfection.  While perfection is difficult to achieve in 100% of the cases, just knowing that it is their goal gives me a great deal of confidence they made the right choice.

I knew that the RIGHT TIME TO SHIP would eventually be here.  I have absolutely NO idea why that day could not have been sooner. Nor, do I have any idea when I might have one here.   But, I do know that the Cube3 is an important milestone in consumer 3D printing and it deserved the best possible entry into our homes, offices and schools.  So, I am glad they waited until they were confident that we would not be disappointed when it did arrive.

I look forward to hearing from those of you that are among the first to see just how wonderful it is.  And, look forward to the the arrival of my own.

Thanks for the confirmation!  :)


  1. Hello, Tom, Are you sure about that? Maybe you are special :).
    I just got reply from Cubify support, been told that they are not sure when it could be shipped, the best guess is the end of Oct. my order placed by the end of May, 2014. but i didn't get any notification yet.

    1. I'm going to have to wait a bit before mine is ready to ship, too. So, I hope that Eric Albert will provide a quick review when he gets his.

      From the sound of it, All orders up to yesterday will have been shipped within six weeks.

  2. One more thing, i have been told before that i will be the first ones for the shipment, maybe their product is good, but bad management.

  3. They said, it will be First In - First Out.

    Had you said "Poor Forecasting" I would have to agree. But, NOT poor management. In fact, having once worked for a video game company that manufactured hardware, I'd say that their management was highly disciplined. It's hard to imagine the pressure they were under to deliver on time. Yet, they chose the route of quality over expediency. I'm guessing that given the circumstances, you are going to be FAR happier in the long run with your purchase than had they rushed it to you. And, in the end that result is what project management is all about.

    Having said that, I'll bet they hedge their bets when it comes to forecasting a ship date in the future. :)
